Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is it Swine Flu or are my counts just dropping?

I woke up this morning, thinking I'd be doing pretty well, hoping that the bone pain was on its way out...but man, was I wrong. I told Dave I feel like I've been hit by a truck. He said, "Yep, your counts are probably dropping." Bummer, I was so happy that I felt decent the last day or so, despite the funky bone pain. I took only one anti-nausea pill in the past 2 days, but right now, nothing sounds good. A lot of people say that the symptoms you feel post-chemo are like that of the flu, so, ironically, I feel like that right now. Good thing I'm not in Mexico! I know that "this too shall pass" so, I just need to hunker down and ride it out.

Well, I wish I could write more, but right now the words aren't coming to me. More later, hopefully when I am feeling better!


olivialynne said...

I am trying to think of something profound to say to you, but you say it best...Just Gotta Ride It Out....and you will. One week down !!

Misty said...

Holly, you are dealing with all of this w/such grace and courage. I pray for you and your quick recovery. You are right 'this too shall pass'..hang in there!!!