Monday, October 19, 2009

Do A Happy Dance with Me!!

Well, how do I describe how I feel? Elated, jumping with joy, ecstatic, my emotions are hard to contain right now to say the least! Today was my last radiation treatment and with that I say, "So Long Cancer!! And don't ever come back!!!"

Getting through the radiation was a snap. It got tedious just because of the disruption in my routine, but, besides that and some skin irritation, it wasn't bad at all. The folks that worked with me were wonderful so my parting today was bittersweet. It was great to have caring, nice people take care of me during my treatments, but I'm also glad I won't be seeing them on a daily basis.

So what happens now? Well, I follow up with my Radiation Oncologist in a month, to check out my skin and see how I feel. I see my Oncologist (in charge of the chemo), Dr. Landis, in February for a follow-up and I think that's about it. I'll have a bi-lateral mammogram done in February and I think every 6 months after that...we'll see what they tell me.

You know, after having Dave's cancer be diagnosed last July, his treatment from August through February, my diagnosis in February, our surgeries in March, my treatments from April until now, I haven't had a "normal" life in 15 months. So, I guess now I can get used to normal again...thank God! I'll probably go through some reflective, contemplative time about everything we've actually been through. It's pretty daunting to consider the implications of what we have endured and it's probably why I haven't taken the time to really dwell on it. I know with Dave I was in survival mode for so long and then when he finished his chemo, I was just starting to get my life back. Then, BAM, my diagnosis hit me in the face and that's what has consumed my thoughts and time until, now back to being a Mom, wife, friend, and just Me.

I don't know where to start to thank so many friends and family for all the support we've received during these past 15 months. I know for a fact that we couldn't have made it without our network of friends, neighbors, family and just everyone who has lifted us up in prayer, been there to physically meet our needs and just really cared about our family during this time. So, again, my Thanks to all of you, you are amazing and I'm blessed to know that so many people really do care and love us.

I'm honored to have you all in my life and thank God for each and every day that I can touch others like I've been touched. I know that our battles with cancer have made us stronger people, and also just truly appreciative of each and every day we are here.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Time Flies....

I know, I'm bad...I see that when things are going along smoothly I go quiet. So, I'm thankful things are going smoothly! So far I've had 27 of my 33 radiation treatments which makes me more than 2/3 of the way through. My skin doesn't like it at all, I've got burn marks on my collar bone and the rest of the area is turning sunburned, but that doesn't surprise me with my fair skin. I do put aloe on it a few times a day, along with the prescription cream the doctor is having me use, so I know I'll get this part of my treatment behind me too! I am so looking forward to being done, done, done. At least the side effects of chemo are behind me (except for my chemo nails), and I'm even starting to get some hair. Big surprise, it's a lot of white and gray with a little dark stuff, but that's what some good hair color will be for in the future. We'll see...right now I'm going without the bandanas and scarves and that in and of itself is very liberating. Hopefully my hair growth will multiply exponentially soon so I'll have some wavy locks to brush...I'm just thankful it's coming back in! I actually think my eyelashes are starting to grow back too, thank goodness! I've done a good job giving myself some eyebrows with my eyebrow pencil, but eyelashes are hard to fill in! It's all good though, seriously. Except for being a bit worn out from the radiation, I can't complain at all.

Dave and I were able to go to Knoxville a few weeks ago to see his parents and 2 of his 3 sisters, Barbara and Diane. It was such a nice weekend (minus the rain) because we were celebrating Dave's birthday which was Sept. 24th and his dad's 80th birthday which was Sept. 30th. Birthdays definitely are worth celebrating, even though we are all getting older, but after dealing with cancer, you just appreciate them more. We had a wonderful time with Dave's family and it was a great break from our routine here, we're thankful to have been able to make the trip.

Dave and I are celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary tomorrow (10/10). This year I'm making sure we go out on a real date and enjoy each other's company. Last year he was in the hospital receiving chemo, so, I think we need to celebrate extra this year. We've been through so much and I know it's brought us closer, made us stronger. I'm so thankful that Dave is doing o.k. and that my treatment is almost over also, we have a lot to celebrate. I'm not sure where we're going yet, but I know we'll have a good time wherever we end up going.
Well, I think I'm going to say that this is all for now. I'm hoping that we can put a picture up here of my hair that's growing's pretty exciting to have some hair back on my head! I'll keep updating those shots to show the progress of my new hair...part of getting my old life back!