Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mammogram Day

Well, I went in for the dreaded mammogram. I really haven't met any women that like having their breasts mashed, squished, pulled and contorted in ways that you would never think possible. Like I mentioned before, I've always had normal screenings, so I went in thinking I'm doing my duty, getting my mammogram done and that would be my first errand of the morning.

I left the Webb Center after my mammogram and did a run to Wal-Mart. I'm one of those shoppers that usually stocks up on stuff, I hate running out of, did my Wal-Mart run. When I came home, I noticed there were 3 messages on our answering machine. We usually don't get that many, so, I was interested in finding out what calls I had missed. One message was for my Mom, her doctor's office trying to reach her for something, I don't even remember the 2nd message and then came the 3rd. It was a nurse from the Webb Center saying that a radiologist had reviewed my mammogram and I needed to get back with them as soon as possible. This couldn't be good , I thought...they NEVER call and leave a message like this unless something unusual has happened. So, I call back and they ask if I can come back in about an hour, for yet another mammogram (this time a diagnostic one) and for an ultrasound. Yikes, this can't be good...I try to hold it a neighbor to get my kids off the bus since it's an early release day, and then I make my way back over to the hospital.

I get to the Women's Pavilion (which is actually where I had both my boys) and this is where the diagnostic breast center is. They are so nice there and very accommodating and get me right in. I put on the gown and join a bunch of other women who are anxiously awaiting their mammograms also. It's amazing how women just open up and start telling complete strangers about their breasts...dense breasts, lumpy breasts, etc...I guess it's like all the birthing stories they's in our nature to just open up and chat...break the ice and relate to one another. I kind of felt out of place though...most of these other women had their appointments for a few weeks, I had about an hour's notice...things were happening fast (already) and I really didn't think anything was that wrong.

So, I do go back in for my 2nd mammogram of this day...and all I can say is "Ouch". I'm not very large breasted and I remember my chest bone hurting that night...I really don't like getting mammograms, although, I'm eternally grateful for the procedure now. After my mammogram, I go into another waiting room...this time I'm getting an ultrasound. The technician spent A LOT of time on my right breast, clicking and measuring...hmm, this can't be good...and she spent a fair amount of time on my left breast too, but nowhere as long as on my right side. Then, here's the kicker, she says she needs to go get the radiologist for her to remove my scans. I'll never forget these next few many thoughts started entering my head as I realized something pretty serious was happening, and all I truly remember hearing was God saying, "Be still and know that I am God." I believe that God takes us to places where we truly have to look to Him for comfort, peace, solace. I know He was letting me know at this early point, that He's taking me through this too and that I'm not alone.

About 15 minutes later, the technician and radiologist come back in and look at my scans and the radiologist does some more with the ultrasound. She tells me that there is some asymmetrical dense tissue on my left breast and that will need to be monitored by mammogram every 6 months. OK, I can handle that...that didn't seem too bad. But, she wasn't done. On my right side, they have found a mass almost 2 cm big that will need to come out. Is it cancer? She can't tell me that, but she did tell me that without a doubt, the mass needs to be removed. She recommend I contact my GYN's office for some suggestions for surgeons and they send me on my way. This will certainly be one of those days I'll never forget.

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