Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pre-Op and a Girl's Day Out

Bright and early Wednesday morning, I get picked up by my friend, Gwyn, to go to the hospital for pre-op. This turns out to be a breeze, no blood draws, a quick meeting with the nurse anesthetist and I'm set for my procedure the following Wednesday. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight before surgery, yada, yada, yada....

Gwyn tells me that she's mine for the day, let's do something fun, go out to lunch, catch a movie, go shop, whatever I want to, hmm, I have to go to a Mall? I'm not a Mall person, I don't know why, I've just never really liked to shop...I can't spend hours looking for deals, going through racks of stuff, nope, I go in, find what I need and leave. Well, I do mention that I'd like to check out the Croc Outlet Store at Discover Mills, Bryce needs some new Crocs...and there's a movie theater there. So we go to the Croc Store, I find 2 pairs for myself, one for Bryce and she also makes so good purchases. We then walk around, find that the movie we're interested in isn't playing there, but do stay and go to Chili's for lunch. Ah, it is nice just to be out with a friend, no kids, having nice adult conversation...nice day so far.

After lunch, Gwyn asks if I wouldn't mind heading back to the Croc store...she's going to pick up some more for some family problem. I got what I needed earlier so I just sit out front, check messages, etc. and she shops some more (see, I really am not a good shopper!) We end up needing to go to yet ANOTHER mall to see the movie we wanted (Slumdog Millionaire), for me, I'm fine with that, why not break a record on my girl's day out? Two malls in one day is unheard of for me, but I'm enjoying being driven around, so we're off to the Mall of Georgia...we walk around, see the movie (which I recommend if you haven't seen it) and by 6:00 pm, I'm beat!

I appreciated my day out with Gwyn, she's a good friend and it meant a lot to me for her to be with me. I know it sounds silly, but, I usually don't "take a day off" like this, so I am glad she had the foresight to know just what I needed!

I came home to see my boys and my Mom, they hadn't missed me too much, but I know they were glad I was home and I was glad to be home...I was tired after my day out!

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