Thursday, July 16, 2009

So Far, So Good? Jury is still out...

Well, I must say that I am just relieved to have Round 5 infused and I can officially say that I have one Round left. What a huge milestone! I know I keep saying this, but I truly can't wait to get through this chemo and just be done with it!

I am hanging in there. I'm taking the Claritin and hoping that the bone pain will subside in the next day or two. It's just weird. I got the Neulasta shot at 2:00 PM yesterday and by 8:00 PM, my cheekbones, ribs, jaw bones, and many other bones hurt. We know the shot is working, that is the main thing.

The boys have been enjoying their day camp this week and I'm thankful they are doing it! Bryce is racing his Soap Box Derby car tomorrow and Kyle will be launching his rocket. I don't know if I will make it or not, all depends on how I do tonight, but I know they've had a great time at the camp and for that I am thankful.

Well, here's to hoping that this round goes as smoothly as Round 4 did, we shall see. I can only hope that it does and in a few days I'll be writing that I've "turned the corner" and everything is good!

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