Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Worst is Behind Me!

First of all, I want to say "Thank You " for all your prayers, encouragement and support. I'm doing the proverbial knocking on wood as I type this to say that Round 5 definitely went as smoothly as Round 4 and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I really only had one day (Thursday) where I felt lousy, but it was mainly from the bone pain brought on by the Neulasta shot. So many people have told me how "good I look" and "I have a sparkle in my eye"...I tell them that I think I'm the healthiest chemo patient in Gwinnett Co. But that is so awesome! I know it's because I have hundreds of people praying and God has been faithful and amazing in letting me get through chemo with little to no complications.

Knowing that my last Round is just a few weeks away is so freeing. I can envision dancing around saying, "Whoo hoo, it's over!!!" I'd say that this has been the hardest thing I've been through, but to be honest, it was so much harder for me to see my husband, Dave, go through the intensive chemo he went through and the toll it took on him physically and mentally. Ugh, that was by far the worst thing we've ever had to endure in our 21+ years of marriage. With this week being Sarcoma Awareness Week, my hats (or should I say scarves) go off to all the Sarcoma patients out there that have had to endure countless rounds of chemotherapy, numerous surgeries, too many to count CT/PET scans and the like. Sarcomas are so rare and aggressive and yet are so unheard of. When I mention to people about Dave's Liposarcoma, they honestly say that they've never heard of such a thing. Well, I hope that many people become aware of Sarcomas and the funding is appropriated for research to conquer that nasty beast of cancer. The treatment has to be so aggressive because the cancer is and the chances of recurrences are so great, especially in the lungs and the liver. So, my scarves off to all you Sarcoma patients! I hope that somehow, the Liddy Shriver Initiative will be to Sarcomas as the Susan G. Komen Fund is to Breast Cancer!

Well, I think this will be about it for now. I am feeling fine, not great yet, but definitely fine! :-) I'm back to walking at our Park, taking the boys to their swim lessons and getting back into a normal schedule. Again, my thanks to all of you for your amazing, continued support! It's been one long journey and I couldn't make it without you!

1 comment:

olivialynne said...

Good for you Holly. Sometimes I feel like the mothers and fathers of people visited by cancer are forgotten. Even though many of you are moms and dads, have your own lives, and are sometimes living further away than we would are still our daughters and sons...our babies. I for one am so very proud of how my "baby" is handling this enemy. You are all warriors and inspirations. God bless I am sure He has....and will continue to.