Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Pain than Before but hanging in there

I've been laying low the last few days and trying my hardest to take it easy. Don't get me wrong, I like to do my share of "chilling", but, I'm usually up and about. I like to go out and walk or go to the gym and get my cardio and strength training in 4or 5 days a week. I'm usually running errands, vacuuming, running up and down stairs, lugging lots of heavy stuff around, but right now, I'm under strict orders to not lift anything over 5 pounds and really take it easy. I find it just plain hurts whenever I try to reach for something with my right arm. Lucky for me I'm left-handed, but I do find myself trying to do simple things (like emptying the dishwasher) and just not being able to use my right arm much. Of course, Dave doesn't want me to do anything like this, but I just hate being laid up and letting him do all the stuff around the house that I normally take care of.

I'm fortunate to have a friend in the neighborhood that cleans houses, and she's offered to come over and clean for me on her day off. Since Dave's family and my Mom are coming over later today, I'm elated for her to come and clean...and then she surprises me by not accepting payment and tells me it's her way of helping us out. I'm in tears, grateful as always, and telling her I'd like her to come back, at least for the next few months while I'm going through treatment, but I'm insisting on paying her from here on out. I'm again, touched by the generosity of others and how much people in our lives really do care.

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