Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Port is in, Thank God!

What a day...ugh! I was told to be at the Day Surgery at 9:30 a.m.(for Pre-op) for an 11:30 a.m. procedure. I got there, filled out the paperwork, was taken to the back and put in a gown. Everything seemed to be going alright, but then, the wait really started. It didn't help matters that I had an excruciating headache all morning, probably from caffeine withdrawals and not being able to eat or drink anything after midnight.

Then the nurse came in and was trying to start my I.V. Here we go again with my veins and what a hard stick I am. Oh my, the nurse tried a few times, with Lidocaine (so I wouldn't feel the needle) and couldn't find a vein. She then went and found a friend (who's a surgical nurse) that came and took a few tries. Finally, again, on the top of my left hand, she found one. Success! Both nurses agreed that I did the right thing by choosing to get the port implanted, especially because they have such a hard time getting needles in my veins.

Well, Dr. Martin finally was able to do the procedure at about 2:15. We made it home about 4:45 and boy was I ever glad to be back here. For what was supposed to be a simple procedure, it just turned out to be one of those long days. I'm glad I'm home though and intend on getting some rest...that's it for now!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Yes...get some rest!! Praying for you all:O)