Monday, August 3, 2009

My 6th and FINAL chemo round is tomorrow!!!!

So, I have been doing absolutely great and keeping way too busy since my last blog entry. But like I've said many times before, "No news is good news!" I'm so psyched that tomorrow is almost here to go to my last chemo infusion. At the same time, I'm soooooo tired (really did too many errands today), but that's o.k., at least I have the time and energy.

I think the main reason I'm tired though is that we sent Bryce & Kyle to spend-the-night camp (for the kids whose parents have cancer), but we got a call at 1:35 AM because Bryce was getting bitten by mosquitoes and was too hot to sleep and had been crying for an hour and a half. We talked with him and told him we couldn't come up right then and there to pick him up and that he had to figure out a way to deal with this. I also told him, "It's a once in a lifetime experience and you have to make the most of it." This REALLY stuck with him and the counselors called us today to discuss everything and said after that phone call, he really re-grouped and did o.k. So, we're all on the same page and hoping he can have a REALLY good camp experience and enjoy this week away. We definitely would go get him if we needed to, but we really want him to try to make the most of it. I'm going to be sure to send everyone a huge Thank You note afterwards and how well the staff has handled this situation in dealing with both Bryce and our situation. They all know tomorrow is my last chemo and we all want it to be a celebratory occasion and seeing it as an end to my "fight" and that things are going well and it's a time to be happy! My radiation (33 rounds) should start in about 3 weeks...but I believe that'll be a piece of cake compared to my chemo...

So, I have mixed feelings about tomorrow. I know it's going to be the "same ol', same ol'" where I'll feel cruddy at the end of the week but also, I'm elated to know it's my LAST round of chemo. I have made the 7-layer bars for my nurses who have been awesome during my entire treatment. Heck, I may even give one to Dr. Landis...he deserves a sweet treat too!

I do owe so many thanks to all of you who have been supporting me through encouragement, prayers, meeting physical needs by providing meals for me and my's overwhelming to have experienced the kindness and generosity of so many people for a whole ENTIRE year now. I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating...tomorrow, Aug. 4th is so significant for us...first of all, it's our nephew's birthday. Happy Birthday Zach! He's serving in the Navy and is in the Persian Gulf right now so, we wish him a very happy day, on board ship! If my chemo'd brain serves me correctly, I believe he's turning, that's amazing right there. Next significant thing about tomorrow is that it marks One Year from when Dave was admitted for his first intensive chemo infusion at Crawford Long...and what a year it has been. And now, for me, it marks the END of my chemo treatment. Exactly one year to the day from when Dave started his chemo. I know it's a year we hope we'll never have to repeat, but, again, we could NOT have made it through without your prayers, support, encouragement and friendship. Thank You sooooooo much!!!!


perry1000 said...

Yahoo for the final treatment! And an even bigger yahoo that this year is over!!

I'm so proud of Bryce for staying at camp! He'll be glad he did when the week is done!!

Daria said...

That is great news ... all the best to you.

Shahrukh said...

This blog is a great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you.