Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Half-way Through, So Far, So Good

Well, yesterday's infusion went smoothly and so far, I'm feeling alright. It's hard to say if I'm good or bad, because, I'm pumped full of chemo, I'm a little "off", but right now, I'm doing fine. I've tried the ginger that everyone is suggesting nowadays, but, to be honest, I don't know how much of a difference that makes. Dave has helped me get a "cocktail" of anti-nausea meds so I'm not overdoing anything, but it seems to be just enough to help me get by. Suffice it to say, my regime is a lot less than what he went through, but he is certainly more sympathetic than most husbands ever could be.

Something else that is different this time, is that I received a call from the Breast Consultant at the hospital who recommended I take Claritin, to help with the bone pain associated with the Neulasta injection. It's really early right now to tell if it's helping or not, since I just had the Neulasta injection today at 1:00 pm, but, so far, so good. So, we'll see if there is some merit in taking Claritin. It helps with my seasonal allergies too! Two-fer one!

We're all hanging in there though, and I'll be glad to get to feeling normal again (by next week). We have the boys going to a Summer Day Camp this week which is so helpful. They are really enjoying it and it's giving me time to recuperate and have some peace and quiet. So, I think I will wrap up this entry about now. Sorry I don't have more to say, but, sometimes it's just good to get by and not say too much, you know?

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